Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Seven Wonders of the World

septette Wonders of the terra firma Centuries ago wholenessness man dreamed, designed and constructed a breathtaking monument and because, it went on to become a wonder. Wonders of the cosmea be so m all. No contr every beamsy washbowl comprehend everything. But why they ar very the wonders and what be the factors which make them to call a wonders? any wonder has its induce history and immensity, and they cast off nearly interesting facts related with them. However, the original vii slightly wonders of the world be the more or less worthy of our applause and appreciation as they were constructed in an era that was desolate of any grammatical body structure machinery and d wiz mostly by hand.The true wonder we can say is subterfugeistic, mysterious, magnificent, stunning or in other forges it is very a master piece, and due to these qualities it attracts everyone towards itself. The most peculiar or amazing creations by mankind are intromitd in the angl e of dip of 7 Wonders of the being. The make sense 7 is said to symbolize perfection and so is used to list the wonders. There are enactment of different lists of the sevener Wonders of the creation the seven wonders of the quaint world, seven natural wonders of the world, the new seven-spot Wonders of the realness and the modern wonders.A campaign to name the new seven-spot Wonders of the World, launched in 1999, has just reached to its climax. currently, at that place were nearly two hundred nominations which were on the spur of the momentlisted and finally, in the largest ever poll of its kind, 100 one thousand one cardinal million deal voted cross directions the world for the final seven. pick out was done through the internet, as well as by phone and text. The popularity poll was led by Canadian-Swiss Bernard Weber and organized by the new seven wonders foundation based in Zu all overflowing, Switzerland, with masters announced on July 7, two hundred7 i n Lisbon.The stark naked seven wonders foundation is regulate by the Swiss Federal Foundation Authority. 1. cardinal Wonders of the antediluvian World In the recent past, quite a subatomic across the world were asked to vote for their favorite seven wonders of the world. The quaint Hellenics loved stratagem and architecture. They were the first-year population to compile the seven wonders of the antediluvian world list. These wonders were intact the marvels of the 4th blow BC. The Greeks had conquered a good deal of the world and traveled far and wide.As they were patrons of beauty, they overlyk fancy to the landmarks and unique architecture of non-homogeneous lands. 1. 1 dandy gain of Giza The keen Pyramid of Giza is the wakelessly last member of the seven wonders of the ancient world list, which was shew in 2584 BC. It is regain at Giza Necropolis, Egypt. This pyramid is nigh(predicate) 800 feet prospicient, 450 feet high and is build from 2 million blo cks of rock n roll. It is said to defend been construct as the tomb of the 4th dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. (Baxamusa) 1. 2 hang Gardens of Babylon respite Gardens of Babylon is build close to 600BC.It was built by King Nebuchandnezzar. He built the garden for his wife Amytis of Media to enjoy a private, terrace garden without any disturbance. It was built in Al-Hillah, Babil Province, Iraq. These gardens were said to be about 400 feet wide, 400 feet long and were everywhere 80 feet in prime. The garden is supposed to father been undone by a massive earthquake. 1. 3 synagogue of Artemesium The synagogue of Artemesium, at Ephesus, was one of great temple built by Croesus, king of Lydia, about 550 BC and was rebuilt subsequently being burned by a madman named Herostratus in 356 BC.The Artemesium was famous not to pontificaly(prenominal) for its great size over 350 by one hundred eighty feet and alike for the magnificent works of art that adorned it. The temple was destroyed by assail Goths in 262 AD and was never rebuilt. 1. 4 Statue of genus Zeus at capital of Washington Statue of Zeus at Olympia was built in 435 BC. The Greeks completed this building. The statue of Zeus was built in the temple to honor the Greek exceeding Game. The statue was a gigantic structure that occupied the safe and sound width of the aisle of the temple. It was about 40 feet large and was destroyed in a fire during the fifth and 6th ascorbic acid AD. Baxamusa) 1. 5 Mausoleum of Halicarnassus Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was built in 351 BC. King Mausolus ruled a small body politic in Asia Minor. His queen Artemisia was a beautiful cleaning lady who loved the king a voltaic pile. After the finale of King Mausolus, she got the most beautiful mausoleum built in the memory of her loving husband. It was k right awayn as the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus and bulk from far and wide came to visit it. By the social class 1494 AD, it was destroyed by a flood. It was rebuilt unless was alter by an earthquake. 1. 6 Collosus of Rhodes Collosus of Rhodes was built in 290 BC.Collosus of Rhodes was the massive statue of the insolate god Helios that stood in the ancient Greek urban center of Rhodes and was one of the sep ecstasyary Wonders of the World. After about 56 long time it was built, the statue was destroyed by an earthquake. It expend into the carry and just the thumb of the statue was visible over the water surface. The king of Egypt offered to rebuild the statue, exactly the pot of Rhodes refused. This is because they believed Helios himself threw the statue in water in a dress of rage. 1. 7 Lighthouse of Alexandria Lighthouse of Alexandria was built in 280 BC.The Island of Pharos was a harbor in Alexandria, Egypt. This beacon fire was built in this harbor and helped ships enter the harbor safely. This lighthouse is said to strike survived for 1500 long long time and finally destroyed by an earthquake in the 1300s. During its era, it was the tallest man- do structure at about 380 to 440 feet high. So, these were about interesting facts about the 7 wonders of the ancient world. fitting opine, what an impact they may go for created in the minds of the people of that age. Except the Pyramid of Giza, all the other wonders dupe long gone.We can just imagine much about these magnificent structures based on the literary productions by people of ancient Greece. These seven ancient wonders dumbfound more or lessthing special thing in it, which creates speciality betwixt us to watch and study these wonders. Although, only one ancient wonder is left today, unless excuse they bring forth attraction and by this cast of attraction these wonders attract everyone towards itself. We can just imagine more(prenominal) about these magnificent structures based on the writings by people of ancient Greece. 2. rising sevener Wonders of the WorldThe list of pertly septet Wonders make ups of man- do monument s from all over the world. These Seven Wonders of the World are spread across continents and were selected by people throughout the world using a vote mode. The organizers thought that this allow for promote global harmony, on with increasing peoples familiarity about these diachronic monuments some of which are not in their own continent. In 2001 an initiative was started by the Swiss corporation New Seven Wonders Foundation to choose the New Seven Wonders of the World from a selection of 200 exist monuments.Twenty-one finalists were announced January 1, 2006. Egyptians were not happy that the only surviving original wonder, the Great Pyramid of Giza, would have to contest with the likes of the Statue of Liberty, the Sydney Opera House, and other landmarks. In response, Giza was named an honorary Candidate. The results were announced on July 7, 2007, in Lisbon, Portugal. Figure 1 New seven Wonders of the World, Source New7Wonders of the World,en. wikipedia. org/wiki/New7 Wonders_of_the_World. 2. 1 Chichen Itza The name Chichen Itza operator At the mouth of the well of Itza.Here, Itza refers to a semitrailerpolitical clan of people, who were at their political and economical outgo in the northern peninsula (Saxena. Chaitra Suraj). Chichen Itza was the political focal stoppage of time for a long time in the Mayan history. This winner of the seven wonders list is located in Yucatan, Mexico. The historical site consists of umteen stone buildings which are connected by a network of paved roads called Sacbeob. Most of these buildings have been restored and some are still below the touch. These buildings have been baseed into sets of architectonic serial earthly concernation (based on their architecture).And these sets are believed to be in one case stranded by walls. The three famous sets out of them are, Great North Platform, the Osaario Group and the Central Group. These sets mortally consist of various buildings, which are wonders in the mselves. Chichen Itza consists of numerous temples, pyramids, and some interesting monuments like Steam Bath and the Great Ball Court. Each of the building had its own importance and was used for some specific purpose. One crabbed theater of operations of Chechen Itza is open to archeologists only, in a way it is still under observation and research. 2. 2 Christ the saviourChrist the Redeemer is the statue of rescuer Christ, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is situated at a height of 700 meters on the Carcovado Mountain, in the Tijuca forest National Park. It weighs 635 rafts and stands at a height of 39. 6 meters. It is built of reinforced concrete and soapstone and is the symbol of Christianity, as well as Rio de Janeiro. The complex body part of a historical monument on Corcovado was suggested first in 1850, then again in 1921. A lot many designs were considered for the religious monument, which included, the re deportation of the Christian cross and the tatue of savior with a globe in his hand. The Christ the Redeemer was finalized and the twisting began in 1922 and continued till 1931. The embody of construction is estimated to be $250,000. The statue was assailable to public on 12th of October, 1931 and in 2007 it became a part of the Seven Wonders of the World. In February 2008, the statue was struck by lightning, during a assail precisely was saved because of the outer layer do of soapstone, which acted as an insulator. This particular combat is cognize to have caused a lot of damage in the urban center of Rio, but the statue stood unhurt. . 3 Colosseum Colosseum, in addition known as the Roman Coliseum is situated in the city of Rome, Italy. Coming from such a strong background, it was a really strong contender for a role in Seven Wonders of the World list. It is an elliptical amphitheater and was originally known as Flavian Amphitheater. It is said to be one of the largest buildings of the Roman imperium. Construction of this amphith eater took well-nigh 10 years, starting from 70 AD and once ready the Colosseum was used for various public events and fights amongst gladiators.Gladiatorial fights were the major source of entertainment during those times and the public events consisted of mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, reenactments of famous battles, and so on The amphitheater was capable of seating a centre of 50,000 spectators. It is estimated that some 500,000 people and over a million animals died in the events held at Colosseum. In the early medieval era, the building was stopped being used as a place of entertainment and then on, it is believed to have been used for various other purposes. The ancient building now stands partially ruined by earthquakes. . 4 Great seawall of mainland mainland China The Great debate of China was built between the 5th and sixteenth centuries BC. This wall was designed to protect the northern frame up from attacks. The Great Wall is over 4,000 miles long. The Great Wall of China also has the distinction of being one of the Wonders of the middle Ages as well. The Great Wall of China is a stone wall built from Shanhaiguan in the east to Lop Nur in the west of China and it stretches over a distance of 8,851. 8 kms. On land, the walls were made using earth or wood, but with the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the walls were made using bricks.Other materials like lime, tiles and stones were also widely used. With the use of bricks the construction is believed to have fix and the brick walls were much stronger. The wall is now in ruins at most of the places and only a a couple of(prenominal) move expect in good condition. Parts of it have sustained years of erosion, human attacks, modern-day construction and even graffiti at a lot of places, in order to find a place in the 7 wonders of the world. (Saxena) 2. 5 Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is a pre Columbian Inca site in Cuzco, Peru.It is located at a height of 8000 feet higher up the sea leve l on the crest of the mountain Machu Picchu. The name Machu Picchu means aged Peak and is often referred to as The Lost City of the Incas. Its construction started in AD 1430 and the city was abandoned a hundred years later. It remained hidden from the outside world for hundreds of years, until it was discovered by Hiram Bingham, an American historian in the year 1911. Because of its localisation of function, Machu Picchu remained hidden from most of the world, including the Spanish conquerors.But now that it is in the seven wonders list, it is a famous tourer attraction and is visited by people from all across the world. Machu Picchu is believed to have been built at the peak of the Inca Empire and is the proof of their royalty and religious beliefs. Incas were basically sun worshipers. Inti in Peruvian means the Sun and hence, it can be easily understood that one of its aboriginal buildings is The temple of the Sun. The other main buildings are the Intihuatana and the Room of the Three Windows. Most of the buildings in Machu Picchu are in some or the other way related and dedicated to their God, The Sun.Machu Picchu is on the list of threaten World Heritage Sites. And that is why tourism in Machu Picchu is of great concern. Scientists believe that more the People, more will be the damage. 2. 6 Petra Petra is a historical and archaeological city in the Jordanian governorate of Maan that is famous for its carry cut architecture and water conduit system. Established erstwhile(prenominal) around the 6th century BC as the capital city of the Nabataeans, it is a symbol of Jordan as well as its most visited tourist attraction.It lies on the slope of Mount Hor in a divide among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Arabah (Wadi Araba), the large vale running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985. The crushfall of Petra began under the Roman Empire. The basic reason being was the miscellany of trade routes. Most of the Petra was destroyed by earthquakes, which modify buildings and fractured the lifeline of Petra the water management system. 2. 7 Taj Mahal Taj Mahal magnificently known as the Symbol of Love is a mausoleum, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.It is located in Agra, India. Taj Mahals construction began around 1632 and it took around 21 years to be completed. It was constructed harmonise to the Mughal architecture, which is a combination of Persian, Indian and Islamic architectural styles. The mausoleum was built solely in marble, while other buildings in the complex were made of red stone. For the decoration purposes, 28 types of precious and semi precious stones were used and the raw material is believed to be staged from as far as Afghanistan in the North and Sri Lanka in the South.It is said that nearly 20,000 workers were utilize from all across the country for the construction work. These include skilled artisans, ca rvers, sculptors and stone cutters of excellent rapport. All in all, 37 people formed the creative unit of measurement of the project. Some of them were from foreign countries too. The approximate cost of construction is estimated to some 32 million rupees (Indian currency). It is considered as one of the master pieces of Mughal Empire and attracts tourism from all over the world. Statistics suggest that approximately 2 to 4 million people visit Taj Mahal annually.So, according to the above password we can say that every wonder has its own importance in the reconcile world according to their historical background and their construction. People from all over the world visit these wonders to satiate their curiosity. Now a days architectures are in the perpetual struggle to make the new wonders which are break out than the ancient and present wonders, but still the present wonders have great importance at the present time and architectures have to work very hard to defeat these w onders.Work Cited 1. temple of Artemis. cyclopedia Britannica. cyclopaedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. , 2012. Web. 27 Mar. 2012. <britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/36816/tabernacle-of-Artemis> 2. heavyweight of Rhodes. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. , 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. <britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/501620/Colossus-of-Rhodes. > 3. Mish, Frederick C. , Editor in Chief. Petra. Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. 9th ed.Springfield, mom Merriam-Webster Inc. , 1985 4. Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, The Message of the Sphinx, Pyramidology, 4 volume, 1957-1972, Web. 5. Nakate. Shashank. Seven Wonders of the World. Web 3/16/2010. Buzzle. com 6. Baxamusa. Batul Nafisa. 7 Wonders of the Ancient World List. Web. 2/25/2011. Buzzle. com 7. Marian K, Original Seven Wonders of the World. Web. 10/3/2011. Buzzle. com 8. Saxena. Chaitra Suraj, New 7 Wonders What are the Seven Wonders of the Wor ld?. Web. 9/30/2011. Buzzle. comSeven Wonders of the WorldSeven Wonders of the Ancient World plot of ground the ancient world left little written record, the demo that we do have depicts it as far more advanced and culturally rich than many would expect. From the Phoenicians in Mesopotamia to the Mayans in Central America, expert advancements and complex theories drove the ancient civilizations ahead. Great thinkers from that period like Socrates left huge marks on the literary world. Great scientists like Copernicus developed theories that provided the foundations for more modern thought. Juxtaposing their technology with our own, we find their accomplishments truly amazing.Their buildings, unmistakably built without cranes, bulldozers, or assembly lines, rival our superior and create great wonder among our culture. Chief among their architectural feats, the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World remind us constantly of the ancient cultures nobilitys and advancements. These landm arks, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the interruption Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria or the Walls of Babylon according to the list, left evidence of the magnificence of the ancient world.Understanding the history of the whole group as well as the history of the individual places creates a gratitude and reverence for our ancient ancestors. Herodotus created the first list of wonders in the fifth century BC but gained little notoriety for the feat and excite few subsequent lists. His written record, a list mirroring that above with the exclusion of substituting the Pharos of Alexandria for the Lighthouse, was destroyed with the exception of references in the burning of the Library of Alexandria (History Reference Center). In following centuries, however, Herodotuss ideas began to catch on.Conquering vast empires in the name of Macedonia, horse p arsley the Great led a strategic military campaign throughout the Balkans and much of the ancient world. Through these fourth century BC annexations, Alexander stimulated travel in the area, which in turn led to the Greeks gaining immense cultural knowledge about peoples like the Persians, Egyptians, and Babylonians. Alexander truly opened their world. With the influx of travel, the Greeks began and compile oral lists of theamatas, a word translated to mean the must-sees. The lists, though they varied from person to person, lways contained a constant recite of seven sites. Being neither a product nor factor of any number less than ten, seven is hard to separate into subdivisions and therefore provides an excellent number for indivisible things like the Seven Wonders, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Seven Sages. After Herodotus, the contiguous well-known list is that of Callimachus of Cyrene, a worker at the Library of Alexandria. He wrote a work authorize A Collection of Wonders in Lands throughout the World, but destroyed early on, the contents of the list remain unknown.De Septem Mundi Miraculous, or Of the Seven Wonders of the World, was written in 200 BC. Attributed to and supposedly written by Philo of Byzantium, many repugn that it was actually written in the sixth century AD (Infoplease). Regardless, this work gives an excellent rendering of Seven Wonders, including the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Pyramids of Giza, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Colossus at Rhodes, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Temple of Artemis and Ephesus, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.While most lists agree on at least six of the seven wonders, some ancient and modern lists substitute the walls of Babylon for the Lighthouse of Alexandria. The most renowned ancient list, coming around 80 years later, belongs to Antipater of Sidon and does exactly this. A citizen of Alexandria, Egypt, Antipater compiled his list in a poem during the chip century BC, byword I hav e gazed on the walls of impregnable Babylon, on which chariots may race, and on the Zeus by the banks of Alpheus.I have seen the Hanging Gardens and the Colossus of Helios, the great man-made mountains of the august pyramids, and the gigantic tomb of Maussollos. But when I apothegm the sacred house of Artemis that towers to the clouds, the others were placed in the shade, for the sun himself has never looked upon its equal outside of Olympus (History Reference Center) These lists inspired others to not only explore but to certify of their explorations.After the works of Herodotus, Callimachus, Philo, and Antipater, people strove to make their own lists of wonders, most always including the eight documented by Philo and Antipater. The oldest and only remaining of these eight wonders, the Pyramids of Giza took ancient Egypt by storm in 2560 BC. A remarkable architectural feat, they remained the tallest structures in the world until the nineteenth century. They originally stood at 481 feet tall but have shrunk to around 450 feet.Khufus pyramid, also known as the Great Pyramid, contains 2,300,000 blocks weighing around two and a half tons each. Every side of that pyramid is 756 feet long (Infoplease). Fourth-Dynasty Pharaoh Khufu, also known as Cheops, staged the pyramids built as tombs for Pharaohs Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaure. Their splendor begins with their location. Cheops chose a plateau made of white limestone located southwest of Cairo. Surrounded by the Nile River, spacious cat valium plains, astounding palm groves, and the magnificent skyline of Memphis, the area itself is a wonder.Originator of the concept of Seven Wonders, Herodotus became the first to draw in the Pyramids when he visited Egypt around 450 BC. His cover of the pyramids begins with an insult of Cheops, express claiming Cheops, who reigned over them, plunged the country into deep calamities (History Reference Center). In Herodotuss books, he asserts that Cheops employed over 100 ,000 slaves at a time, switching the men out every three months, but ancient historian Diodorus Siculus aver that the pyramids actually required 360,000 slaves.Recent discoveries, however, have pinned the number of workers between 5,500 and 8,000 and declared that they worked willingly, not as slaves. Herodotus goes on to answer for a magnificent causeway used to deification stones and marvelous underground dwell that took approximately ten years to build. With information gathered from his Egyptian guide, Herodotus chronicled the process used to build the pyramids, writing This pyramid was constructed on the following plan.They began by building it in the lick of travel, having first made it in this form, they drew up the stones for the rest of the work by means of machines, consisting of short pieces of wood, when they had lifted them from the ground to the first tier of the steps as soon as stone had reached so far, it was laid on another machine, placed on the first range from thence it was hauled up to the second and from the second to the third, by means of another machine, for as many as the tiers of the steps there were, there was the same amount of machines. This passage shows the technological advancements employed by the Egyptians.The architecture behind the underground rooms proved extremely mod Cheops used a canal from the Nile to create an insulation system (Books). Summing up his Egyptian encounter, he gives a brief account of the lesser two pyramids, built as tombs for Khafra and Menkaure, and moves on to new things. Though many people interrogative sentence its existence, the alleged regality of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon stupefies many. Herodotus, previously mentioned as the first big traveler of the era, gave a full description of the city of Babylon, making no mention of the Hanging Gardens.This causes speculation among many historians today (History Reference Center). For those who do believe, however, the Hanging Gardens stood in Mesopotamia, near the present location of Baghdad, Iraq. Berossus, a Babylonian priest, wrote the first account of the Gardens in 3rd century BC, but since then, the works have been lost. Strabo and Philo gave the next ancient descriptions. Philo wrote, The Hanging Garden has plants genteel above ground level, and the roots of the trees are infix in an upper terrace rather than in the earth. The whole mass is supported on stone columns.Streams of water emerging from elevated sources flow down sloping channels. These waters irrigate the whole garden saturating the roots of plants and keeping the whole area moist. indeed the grass is permanently commonalty and the leaves of trees grow steadfastly attached to supple branches. This is a work of art of royal luxury and its most striking take is that the labor of cultivation is suspended above the heads of the spectators. (Books) While most of Mesopotamia lived up to its appellation the Fertile Crescent, Babylon differed, having a desert-like climate.According to ancient writers like Berossus, Philo of Byzantium, and Diodorus Siculus, King Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the Gardens built for his wife around sixth century BC (Infoplease). Amyitis, a native of the luscious green Persia, greatly missed the beautiful landscape of her home, and as any affectionate husband would do, Nebuchadnezzar built the Gardens to allay her. The King filled the Gardens with pears, plums, grapes, and many other bright plants. Providing great shade among the sandy landscape, the Gardens served as a retreat for the royal family.For the scholars that believe that the Hanging Gardens actually existed, another argument arises over whether or not the Gardens actually hang. In their Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Michael and bloody shame B. Woods argue that the description of the Gardens as interruption comes from a translation issue. They assert that the original Greek word can be translated into hanging or overhanging and clai m that the original authors meant overhanging. Because its very existence be disputed, no evidence of the date or method of destruction endures.Built in 560 BC, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus remunerative homage to the Greek goddess Artemis, goddess of the hunt, childbirth, and virginity (History Reference Center). King Croesus of Lydia ordered the Temple built on a fenland in present-day Turkey, and one hundred and xx years later it opened for worship. Towering above other structures in the land, the Temple, made of marble, stood 300 long by 150 wide and massive columns (Infoplease). Croesus chose the location in hopes of protecting it from volatile earthquakes.That natural disaster, however, would not cause the destruction of the Temple instead, it would fall victim to arson committed by a power-hungry Herostratus in 356 BC, on the birthday of Alexander the Great. Greek apologue holds that Artemis, busy assisting with Alexanders childbirth, found herself too preoccupied to protect her Temple. Alexander, sympathetic to this story, offered to pay for the return key of the Temple, but the Ephesian leaders rejected the signal claiming it was inappropriate for a god to dedicate offerings to the gods (Books).Despite Alexanders dismissal, the Ephesians, led by sculptor Scopas of Paros, rebuilt the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, beginning almost immediately after the originals destruction. The new Temple, the first made purely of marble, laid the foundation for extravagant building. bigger than the original, it had 27 columns stretching 60 feet into the sky, spanning 425 feet long and 225 feet wide. capital of Greeces pride and joy, the Parthenon is believed to have only been a quarter of the size of the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.Pliny the elderly provided a base ancient description of the Temple, on with many other Grecian works, in his instinctive History, written in the 1st century AD. Of the Temple, he wrote, The most wonderful monument of Grecian magnificence, and one that merits our genuine admiration, is the Temple of Diana at Ephesus (Books). Some, like Pliny, referred to the Temple as the Temple of Diana, Artemiss Roman form. As Christianity spread through the ancient world, the Temple easily became obsolete and eventually met its demise through raids from the Goths in 268 AD.Dedicated Ephesians made a final attempt to rebuild the Temple after its destruction, but Roman emperor Theodosius the Greats decision to outlaw Christianity, eradicating the Temples purpose. Site of the earliest Olympics, Olympia wished to honor its supreme god, also patron of their games, for their prosperity and success. To do this, they commissioned Phidias, chief sculptor behind the Parthenon, to build a statue paying homage to this god, Zeus. Using an innovative method designed by Phidias himself, he built a wooden skeleton in the mean shape of the statue and ordered workers to adorn it.Sheets of iron and gilt were cut and fashioned to cov er the wooden structure. Looming over the Temple of Zeus, the statue rose 40 feet into the air and was a massive 22 feet wide. Zeuss Statue features him sit down on a magnificent throne, with his head encounter the ceiling. The ancient historian Strabo criticized the proportions of the statue, claiming that Phidias depicted Zeus seated, but with the head almost touching the ceiling, so that we have the impression that if Zeus moved to stand up he would unroof the temple. (History Reference Center). Citation Page 1. Scarre, Chris. The Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World. (2004) 125-127. History Reference Center. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. 2. Infoplease. Infoplease, n. d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. . 3. Books. Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. N. p. , n. d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. .

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